Once in a while you find a resource that is so helpful as a writer, you want to let all of your writer friends know about it! www.writingexercises.co.uk is one such site. When I was first endeavouring to get started in writing in a more serious sense, my friend Odette Bell told me to 'Just write, and keep writing'. This happens to be excellent advice, yet it is not always possible to find inspiration by 'snapping your fingers!' That is where this site comes into its own! The site is devoted to providing writers prompts for writers to get started on their work. Each of the 16 writing prompts contains a slightly different angle for starting a story, be it a beginning sentence for a novel or short story, a series of 6 words intended to be contained within a story, a plot generator with a random protagonist and antagonist, a journal related activity, or even a visual cue for those writers who are visually oriented to get started- these are just some of the great ideas cooked up on this site, and are just a taste of its full wordy deliciousness! An inbuilt anagram game also provides a welcome word exercise within itself and a lottery number generator provides a bit of fun for those would be authors who doubt they are going to make it big with their writing. The site is very comprehensive, and even includes some links to professional writing groups and competitions in the UK region. If you are an emerging indy author like me, or even if you want to have some great fun with words, I highly recommend www.writingexercises.co.uk. Go on. Visit now!
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