Welcome to my Blog!

You are surrounded by stories every day.

* The cascading raindrops that race down the window, the product of a brewing storm that seemed to come from nowhere.
* The tree, aged and warped, reaching ever up towards the sky, with its bright yellow oval  leaves that find their way onto your lawn, and the legend of the little boy who planted the seed so many years ago.
* The portly woman on the bus trying to manage her granddaughter, along with her plastic bags full of groceries.
* the lonely character who lives in a small house, and works in a small cubicle in the middle of the oblivious city, who longs to retreat into the wild beyond.
* You- the unique combination of desires, fears, stories, hatred, joy, heartaches and love. You, as you sit before your desk facing an empty page. Where will your stories take you today?

All of these stories and more lie before you, and I hope you enjoy mine.

I am a 34 year old writer from Tasmania, Australia. I have published 2 short poetry books and I am currently working on a short story book called "Nice Shorts". I also write personalised funeral poetry, which is a part of my blog too. Another aspect of my blog is my commitment to writing itself. I will, in the fullness of time have helpful creative writing links, occasional guest blogs, and will try to keep writers up to date with Short Story Competitions and other opportunities for writers- especially if you live in Australia!

Imagine with me and let's explore the infinite possibilities!
the themes and strings that bind our common humanity,
with humour, brashness or sensetivity,
let our words connect with an Imagination Infinity.
